Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beach, bars, babes

Closing in on South America, I’ve never been further away than when I walk into one of Miami’s prime clubs by the beach. It was merely 2h since I got of my 24h train ride but I’ve already tried sneaking in the backdoor with some random people, talked my way in through the guards, bumped into the right people and got a VIP pass, Champagne and good company.

For those of you that ever tried the game GTA, you already got a pretty good picture. Yellow Lamborghinis and Black Hummers are all over the city and they all seams to come assembled with a stunning girl in the passenger seat. The importance of a car becomes obvious when I, looking at the map, realize it’s near impossible meet up with the girl who handed me her number at the club last night. More importantly though, I also realize that I need to fly of to Peru one day earlier than I thought, having my sense of time all messed up when traveling. Leaving Miami after a short but sweet visit, I feel ready for South America even though Miami might be a place I’ll pay another visit one day.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sweets for my Sweetheart

Don’t ever try hitchhiking in the states! Been stuck at a trucker stop for 12h without getting anywhere, since no one is stopping. Literary not moving forward one meter. Facing this failure I had to give up, but still just getting to a train station I was near impossible without a car. Even the train ride down to Miami was in itself a monument over a nation depending entirely on cars as means of transportation. Everything surrounding the train ride gave me the feeling that this was something quite exotic, with charming confusion amongst passengers of where to sit, how to handle luggage and so on.

Although the hitch hike was a failure I learned a valuable lesson in the end, as one is supposed to. This time it was in the art of seduction since when I got stuck at the truck stop I learned the mysteries of how truck drivers keep their girls satisfied even though being away for days. The answer is butter fudge popcorn ladies and gentlemen, elegantly and most exclusively packaged in a valentines special box. Take a look at that girls, just imagine stuffing your face with that greasy gold!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Living college life

With our passionate love for the movie Rushmore and all it’s characters it was obvious that faith would bring me and Brook together at Stansted, London. A great friendship followed.

So I ended my stay in NYC with an amazing show of the musical Rent, and catch a greyhound bus to Brook and State College, Pennsylvania.

During my stay I saw less than 10 people over 25years, and that’s not due to lack of people. 15 min after arriving I got a number from a couple of local girls, and 2 dollar margaritas and more hookah followed. Still and without doubt the highlight of my stay was of course Brook and her lovely flat mates. Geeky jokes, sexual frustration and boring studies were something we could all relate to. Before I left, Brook treated me with a great caving trip. And after pushing yourself through tiny gaps in a huge rock, leaving by a 10h drive down south with 3 guys in a small car seamed a lot less claustrophobic. Doing so though, made me miss the college life as soon as I left it.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Change of scenery

The second you touch ground at JFK you know that there’s something special about NYC. Here I’m meeting up with Chris, a great guy I bumped into in Tokyo, and who later visited in Sweden where I got him seriously hooked up on the hookah. We would soon fall into the decadent, but oh so fun life of red wine, hookah and late nights…

Chris being the best host ever, gave me a Manhattan crash course with some of the best sushi, tapas and thai food I ever had, mixed of course with Swedish schnapps, vodka and wine. During the days I tried my best to cure my need for shopping that have been repressed for years, and there no better city to look for such a cure. Still only going for items essential for my trip I ended up with shoes, thermals, graphic calculator and a new backpack to give the old one a well earned retirement. Now I’m ready for every situation, challenges in the amazons or a math test in Peru, I can do it all!