Monday, June 18, 2007

Buenos Aires

My stay in Buenos Aires will likely be shorter than I expected, but only because this city has everything and definately rank as one of the very best cities on earth if you ask me. Being that good it offers way to many ways to lose you money and it sure shows on my bank account, therefore the potential earlier departure.

The main reason from most travelers to go here have so far been; the girls. Well on that point I'm not amazed, but I realize I might be spoilt being from Sweden. Still it really doesn't matter, with food this good, I don't need girls, I don't need friend I'm simply gonna eat till I'm fat, ugly and very happy.

But seriously the steaks here are out of this world, and I could never imagine meat tasting that good, its not close to anything I had before. On top of this Buenos Aires seems to be the world capital of good taste. Culture in all forms are appreciated and highly visible throughout the city. No more reggeton, cafes and restaurants plays Janis Joplin and The Smits, buildings are beautiful with 4 meters to the ceiling, interior design are indeed tastefully done and so on... As this is not enough one of the areas offers the best shopping I've seen in this world so far, with great designer shops in amazing quantity and quality as well as price, very much needed since my cloth is literary falling apart at the moment.

This is definitely a place to come back to, now the only problem is to be able to leave before bankruptcy...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Be my lover

Be my lover, wanna be my lover? The deeply profound lyrics of 90s dance music might not go that well together with the astonishing surroundings in the Bolivian salt desert, it's nevertheless the soundtrack we're stuck with for three day doing a jeep trip through the desert. Days are sunny, night are freezing and the nature is totally surreal. No one is really surprised when the driver tells us Salvador Dali actually been painting in the same area, in some places its only the melting clocks that are missing to complete the painting...